
Reliable Ice Protection Systems (IPS) are flight-critical for aircraft, from fixed-wing to rotorcraft and unmanned vehicles (UAV/RPA). They provide anti-icing capabilities to prevent the formation of ice and/or de-icing to remove ice build-up from aerosurfaces. Traditional de-icing fluid used in commercial applications is not environmentally friendly and is impractical for most military platforms. While purely passive solutions are attractive, none have proven sufficiently reliable and durable. MDC has demonstrated that carbon nanotube (CNT) multifunctional appliques can be integrated into both composite laminates and metallic assemblies to be used as an efficient and effective means for electrothermal ice protection. They can provide equivalent performance at a fraction of weight (as little as 1% compared to metal-based heaters) and have the potential to operate with significant power savings. MDC has participated in several hundred ice-tunnel tests and successfully completed both dry and wet-air flight test campaigns.